Midfield Production

The Midfield Group incorporates a processing division and boasts an internationally recognised, state of the art abattoir, processing Beef, Lamb, Veal and Mutton and their by-products.

Midfield has one the largest multi species meat processing plants in Australia on a single shift basis, with a throughput in excess of 2 million beef and small stock annually.

The plant is supported by a sales and marketing team which services clients throughout Australia and the world.

Our fully integrated systems ensure meat products are processed – from slaughter, through boning and freezing to being loaded straight onto either a container to be shipped worldwide or one of our fleets of trucks for local distribution – within hours.

Our Meat Safety Quality Assurance Program incorporates world-recognised HACCAP principles for the production of wholesome products for the world market.

These programs are audited by the Australian Quarantine Inspection Service and AUS-MEAT.

We also operate a NATA accredited laboratory where our qualified microbiologists check, double check and triple check our products.

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